Yoga Point - Yoga Poses, Pranayama, Meditation, Lifestyle, yoga therapy

Yoga Vidya Gurukul is now recognized by AYUSH (Yoga and Ayurveda) ministry, Government of India as the Leading Yoga Institution in India.

Our Guruji (Dr Vishwas Mandlik) was awarded the first ever yoga award in India, in 2018, for his outstanding contribution towards the promotion and development of Yoga. We are proud of his achievements and grateful that he continues to inspire, educate and share yoga around the world.

Yoga Activities

Understanding the need to spread deeper aspects of yoga to reduce suffering we started uploading different yoga philosophies and practices on YouTube free for all.

During Covid we couldn't have residential courses and we started online courses in August 2020. These proved very successful as they were more accessible for many people as they could study while still following work and/or family commitments. It has been a great way for students to learn more from their own homes, bringing the yogic lifestyle into their homes and impacting not only themselves but also sharing positivity to all those in their household.

We are now running online TTC courses, Yoga Therapy courses, Pre & Post Natal TTC, Yoga Psychology Courses, Childrens TTC, Advanced Pranayam TTC, YCB Level II and III courses, Yoga Nidra TTC and Meditation Teacher Training.

We are now running our residential courses with so many courses announced. Online courses will also continue for those who are not able to come to the ashram. The Yogapoint ashram is looking beautiful, and we are now having a large amount of organically grown fruits and vegetables.

Sustainable Living

What we eat is what makes our body and mind. Every cell in the body and every thought in the mind is made by the food from mother nature. If we have polluted everything from water, air, soil, seeds, leaves, vegetables, and fruits then our body and mind will also be polluted.

During covid lockdowns we decided to grow 100 % organic produce in the ashram. We neither wanted to use pesticide nor fertilizer nor GMO seeds. Instead, we acquired traditionally preserved seeds, ashram cow dung, cow urine, and some other natural leaves of trees in the ashram.

We are successfully growing a wide range of produce now including fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, beans and grains. We feel it is extremely important to continue with this and are also trying to make our ashram as sustainable as possible. We now have the majority of our energy coming from solar panels and collect water in our dam during the monsoon which keeps us going for the whole year.

Seva activities

Yogapoint has always shared what we can with the surrounding villages, in fact one of the main reasons we had to start online courses was to be able to continue to support those around us. We recently distributed bags and stationery for local school children who were very pleased. We did a huge drive for warm clothing and blankets which were distributed to many villages in the hope that they will stay warm in the winter. Plus, we have been distributing food, in particular, during festival times.

International Updates

As well as our Residential and Online courses we have other Yogapoint courses which have been successfully completed internationally.

  • Yoga Teacher Training Course in Florida, USA
  • Yoga Teacher Training Course and Advanced Yoga Course in Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Yoga Teacher Training Course in Astana, Kazakhstan
  • Yoga Teacher Training Course in Germany
  • Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Yoga Teacher Training Course and Kids Yoga Teacher Training Course in Italy
  • Yoga Teacher Training Course in Poland
  • Yoga Teacher Training Course in Guinea Bissau
  • Yoga Teacher Training Course in Hong Kong

We wish all our new teachers our best wishes in sharing yoga and bringing positivity to the world.

Yogapoint Festival
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
The Whole World is One Family

We have announced our next International Yoga Festival for January 2024. This is out first one since covid and is a celebration of yoga. It’s a time to bring people together from all over the world to connect and share in the joy of yoga. There will be yoga classes, workshops, Indian music and dance, yoga dance, henna, rangoli, fire ceremonies, cooking, nature practices, special festive food and loads more…




    Asana is yoga pose or posture or position of the body. Patanjali in Ashtanga yoga defines asanas...

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  • Pranayama 


    "Pranayama is control of Breath". "Prana" is Breath or vital energy in the body. On subtle levels...

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  • Meditation 


    Meditation is a process of relaxing, controlling & focusing the mind to experience inner peace & happiness...

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  • Cleansing 


    Hatha Yoga describes Shatkarmas (six processes) in details for Body purification and mind purification...

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  • Ayurveda 


    Ayurveda is science of life, lifestyle, food, herbs, massage and many other techniques to live a healthy and happy life...

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  • Life Style & Food 

    Life Style & Food

    Yoga talks about proper food to keep the body strong and healthy, also the lifestyle in tune with nature...

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Upcoming Events

Courses in India
Diploma in Yoga Teacher Training
21 Sep to 18 Oct 2024 - ApplyYogapoint Ashram India
Diploma in Yoga Therapy
21 Sep to 18 Oct 2024 - ApplyYogapoint Ashram India
100 hours Pre & Post Natal Yoga Teacher Training
19 Oct to 28 Oct 2024 - ApplyYogapoint Ashram India
Positive Yoga Psychology
19 Oct to 28 Oct 2024 - ApplyYogapoint Ashram India
Diploma in Yoga Teacher Training
5 Nov to 02 Dec 2024 - ApplyYogapoint Ashram India
Courses Worldwide

Yoga Vidya GurukulYoga Vidya Gurukul

Yoga Vidya Gurukul is a non-profit organization started in 1978. We have more than 15000 yoga teachers in India, 3500 yoga teachers in 78 countries and more than 300,000 yoga students all over the world. We have more than 55 recognized centres all over world.


Yoga Therapy CentreYoga Therapy Centre

Yoga Therapy centre in beautiful natural surroundings of Yogapoint Ashram in India. We conduct yoga programs for treatment of various diseases such as Obesity, joint Pain (arthritis), Backache, Sciatica, Slipped disc, Diabetes, depression, stress disorders, PTSD, and many more.


Recognized Centres & TeachersRecognized Centres & Teachers

Contact details of Yogapoint recognized centres all over the world and list of Yogapoint teachers teaching in various countries.



Download Yoga Nidra, Mantras, Meditation & Pranayama practices, Bhajans & Kirtans and much more.
