Different Links To Access Mind-
We make body movements intentionally or automatically. The automatic movement doesn't need presence of the mind. The intentional movements need the attention of mind similarly if you control the body movements you can automatically access the mind. You can't control the movements for long so the scope is limited with this technique.
Sense Organs And Mind-
We get the knowledge of the external world through our five sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin). The presence of mind is essential for this perception. The senses are attracted towards their objects of desire and they involve mind in the process. The sense organs can be controlled to some extent. So mind can be accessed through the control of the sense organs.
Breathing Process And Mind -
Breathing is a continuous and very important process. The observation of this process helps to establish the fact that breathing and mind has a definite connection between them. When the mind is under tension or under emotional pressure, the breathing rate increases and when the mind is calm and quiet, rate of breathing decreases.
It is interesting to know that to some extent we can easily control our breathing with will. So we can easily control our mind to some extent.
The 'Self' And Mind -
The 'Self' or 'Atman' (Soul) is the owner of human beings and hence the owner of the mind as well. If one recognizes the 'Self' in its true nature, he will be able to control and order the mind. It may seem very simple but is the most difficult task in one's life.
Body Movements -
Yoga has prescribed number of Asanas, the body postures to be practiced and attained in a particular way. These movements are special and needs the concentration of mind. After attaining the posture it is maintained for longer period and the whole body is relaxed completely in the posture. In this process the mind is initially engaged in body movements, then in relaxation and gets freedom from body and then it is directed towards the endless thoughts. The mind control is established during the process.
Sense Organs -
An interesting object is selected and the concentration of sense organs is directed towards this object. The mind, being connected to the sense organs is pulled towards the object. Intentional and continuous practice of this technique slowly establishes control over the mind. Slowly the span of the object is reduced to minimum to increase the control over the mind.
Breathing -
Breathing is under the control of the metabolism & emotions. Metabolism is reduced to minimum level with the help of steady and relaxed posture of Asana. The emotions are also reduced with the Asana posture. This results in a very low rate of respiration with little quantity of air in inhalation and exhalation. The mind is directed towards the breathing. As the breathing becomes slow, the mind also becomes calm and quite.
The 'Self' Control -
After proper realization of the 'Self' (Soul) it becomes strong enough that it can directly control the mind. This technique is the advance one and very difficult to follow for beginner. All the above techniques contribute to the system of meditation. There are a large number of meditation systems developed and many have used these systems to their advantage. We will learn Easy Meditation Technique, which is suitable to beginners.
Pre-requisites -
This practice is to be done with empty stomach (3 hours after the meals and 1hour after drinking any soft drink.) You have to wear loose clothes or loosen your clothes (belt / tie).Remove the shoes, wristwatch etc. This can be practiced for any length of time with minimum 10 minutes so you should keep at least 10 minutes for this practice. The sitting arrangement must be comfortable. Avoid the disturbances like phone,bells or even excess light or any other disturbing reason.
Preposition -
Sit comfortably on easy chair or sofa. Straighten the legs but don't stretch them. Keep your hands on chair or on your knees loosely. Keep your fingers relaxed. Close your eyes gently. Relax the body.
Procedure -
Relax every muscles from toes to the top, one by one and slowly. Relaxation of muscles creates a feeling of pleasure in your mind and body. As the muscles are relaxed the breathing becomes slower and slower. Now focus your Mind on the breathing. Do not control the breathing but witness it. As the body is relaxing the breathing becomes slow. As the breathing becomes slow, the Mind becomes calm and quite. As the Mind becomes calm and quite, the body relaxes further, which further reduces the breathing rate and so on. After pre planned time elapses, be aware of your breathing, body parts, make the slow movements and slowly open your eyes and come to preposition.
COURSE | Venue |
Phone - +91-9822770727
E-mail - yoga@yogapoint.com or yogapoint108@gmail.com
Yoga Vidya Dham, Kaivalya Nagari,
College Road, Nashik - 422005.
Maharashtra, India.
Phone - +91-9822770727 (for courses in ENGLISH)
+91-253-2318090 (For courses, in HINDI or MARATHI)
(Please call during 9.00 AM to 5 PM Indian Time)
E-mail - yoga@yogapoint.co or yogapoint108@gmail.com
Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik
Phone - +91-9822770727
E-mail - yoga@yogapoint.com or yogapoint108@gmail.com