The slow, controlled physical movement of joints is helpful for Arthritis patients. It improves the blood circulation in joints, removing unwanted toxins and other waste products. But the problem in the patients is if patient tries to move his limbs & joints then pain increases so patient does not move the limbs and problem increases. So it is vicious cycle, because of pain no movements and because there is no movement, the situation becomes worse. So patient should keep doing the movements which are possible for him.
Yoga certainly helps in Arthritis. Simple asanas, movements help increase the circulation in the joints and limbs. Various Asanas like Basic Movement, Tadagasana, Pavanamuktasana (1 leg & 2 legs), Makarasana, Swastikasana, Januhastasana, Hastashirasana, Ekpadsahajhasta Bhujangasana, Dwipadsahajhasta Bhujangasana, Veerasana, Trikonasana, Vrikshasana are helpful. Slow, steady and controlled movements are especially recommended. It is not advisable to maintain the asanas for long.
Simple Pranayama is recommended, which involved deep breathing, special type of Pranayama with Inhalation via right nostril and exhalation via both nostrils but creating a sound of Hmm.. (Honey bee Sound) from the throat is found to be very effective in Arthritis patients.
A light massage of medicated Ayurveda Herbal oil is very effective, especially after application of heat (moderate and bearable with heat bags). Massage makes the joint movements easier and then patients can perform physical movements, so if massage is followed by Asanas, it has been found to be more fruitful.
Man has moved away from the nature and has found himself surrounded by stress and unhealthy life style, leading a stress free life is essential to good health.
Yogacharya Vishwas Mandlik - Yoga Vidya Gurukul
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Yoga Vidya Dham, Kaivalya Nagari,
College Road, Nashik - 422005.
Maharashtra, India.
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+91-253-2318090 (For courses, in HINDI or MARATHI)
(Please call during 9.00 AM to 5 PM Indian Time)
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Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik
Phone - +91-9822770727
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