Online 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga Vidya Gurukul was founded in 1978 by Yogacharya Dr Vishwas Mandlik as a non-profit organization. Our organization is following traditional yoga which is the authentic form of yoga focusing on life style and based on Ashtanga yoga, Hatha yoga, Karma yoga, Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga.
The prestigious Prime Ministers Yoga Award 2017 was given to our founder, Dr Vishwas Mandlik for his great contribution to the field of yoga in india and all over the world. He is the first recipient of this award in India.
We have been conducting Yoga teacher training programs since 1983. We have more than 18000 yoga teachers in India, 4500 yoga teachers in foreign countries and more than 300,000 yoga students all over the world.
This program is recognized by
- Government of Maharashtra (under Govt of India)
- Department of AYUSH (Under Yoga Department, Government of India)
- Indian Air Force (Air force division of India army, under Government of India)
- Kavi Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Nagpur (Government of Maharashtra University)

This teacher training program is holistic in approach which covers all aspects of yoga lifestyle. Based on ancient teachings, ashram experience is life transforming which brings positivity to the everyone. This program is suitable for beginners, or intermediate yoga practitioners or even advance practitioners who want to learn teaching methods and understand deeper scientific aspects of yoga practices such as asanas, pranayama, meditation, life style.
How will the course be conducted?
This 200-Hour Yoga teacher training program will be offered online. Moreover, anyone (minimum 18 years old and healthy and having basic english language skills) can participate in this program.
- 12 weeks program – Minimum 25 hours per week which includes approximately 10 hrs of lectures (live and recorded) 10 hrs of yoga practice (guided and self-practice) and 5 hours of study (Total of Contact Hours and Non-Contact Hours is more than 200 Hours)
- Live Yoga classes with very experienced Yoga teachers
- Technology platform – Microsoft Teams App, Google meet App or Zoom App on mobile phones/iPhones (android or ios), or tablets/iPad (android or ios) or laptop computer)
- Resources - Videos, Audios, PowerPoint presentations, Documents, various live lectures and recorded lectures on
- Students can also watch all the recorded sessions as per their convenience.
- There will be continuous support through the entire duration of the program via emails, video chat, group discussions, personal feedback for individual yoga practices, question and answer sessions and personalized chats with teachers and yoga experts etc.
Yoga Wellness Instructor Level II
(Government of India Certification)
Optional 4 weeks online program
- The Yoga Certification Board (YCB), Ministry of AYUSH and the Government of India has recognized Yoga Vidya Gurukul as a leading Yoga Institute in India for various yoga certifications for Yoga professionals and to conduct assessment for all the certification offered by the YCB.
- This program is for 4 weeks (25 hours per week including lectures, yoga class and self study). Moreover, this program involves lectures and practical sessions of Sukshma Vyayam, Asana, Pranayama, Kriyas, Bandha, Mudra and meditation techniques. It will also cover the study of ancient yoga texts, understanding yoga philosophy and yoga teaching methodology.
- The course will be conducted as live and recorded sessions .At the end of the course there will be written and practical examination for all the candidates.
- After completion of the course the successful candidates will receive Level II certification from YCB, under the Ministry of AYUSH (Government of India).
- Eligibility criteria : Candidates who have completed the Yoga Teacher Training Course from Yoga Vidya Gurukul (minimum 250+hours.)
- Fees : INR 7500 course fees, INR 4800 examination fee, Total INR 12500
Fees And Financial Information
- Course fees - USD $ 350 (Including course material (PDF), syllabus books (PDF)
- Registration fees - US $ 100 (Registration fee is Non-refundable)
- Total Fees -USD $ 450
- Total Fees for Indian citizens in Indian Rupees Rs 15000
- For any questions about fees, please email
Fees can be paid with any of the following ways
- Bank account transfer - you can transfer money directly to Yogapoint Bank Account, you can send email to if you would like to opt for this option.
Online Yoga Teacher Training, For Beginners
Duration - 200 - Hour
(Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation Training / Teaching Techniques / Philosophy / Applications of Yoga)
Program – 12 weeks
Curriculum / Contents / Syllabus
- Yoga Techniques and practices
- Basic & Preparatory movements -More than 30 basic and preparatory movements to warm up the body, muscles and align the joints are taught in the program. These movements help prevent injuries during difficult yoga poses. Click to know more
- Yoga poses / asana - Yoga teacher training program includes about 90 different yoga poses starting with poses for beginners and intermediate level and some advance poses are included but it is for those who can do it easily. Yoga poses include forward bends, back bends, side bends, twists, inversions, standing poses, balancing poses, relaxing poses and meditative poses.
- Pranayama - Deep Breathing, Fast Breathing, Alternate Nostril Breathing (Anuloma Viloma), Surya Bhedan (Right Nostril Breath), Bhastrika (Bellow's Breath), Bhramari (Humming Bee Breath), Ujjayi (Psychic Breath), Shitali, Sitkari (Cooling Breath).
- Meditation - Chakra meditation, Prana or Breath focused meditation similar to Vipassana, Om Mantra meditation and Mindfulness meditation.
- Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutations. a dynamic series of Yoga poses to revitalize the body and mind. (Beginners and Intermediate Series)
- Cleansing Processes - Jalaneti (Nasal Cleansing), Kapalbhati (Frontal Lobe Cleansing), Tratak (Concentration), Vaman dhouti and Partial master cleanse or Lagoo Shankha prakshalana from the Hatha Yoga Tradition.
- Mantra and Chanting – Techniques and practice of mantras including Om, Gayatri, Mahamrityunjay, Shanti mantras, tantra related chants and chakra related mantras
Course Curriculum / Syllabus Books
- Ashtanga yoga – Ethics for yoga practitioners (Yama and Niyama), asana or Yoga Poses, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyan & Samadhi (Meditation from Ashtanga yoga).
- Hatha Yoga - History, philosophy, asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha and cleansing techniques.
- Different styles of yoga / Classical types of yoga (Karma Yoga / Bhagavad Gita, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Kundalini Yoga and Chakras).
- Ayurveda - Introduction to ayurveda, ayurveda body types, ayurveda diet.
- Yoga lifestyle.
Human Anatomy & Physiology - a basic knowledge of various body systems including respiratory, digestive, excretory, blood circulatory, nervous, musculoskeletal, reproductive & endocrine systems. Functioning of various organs, endocrine glands and other systems which are affected by yoga practices. Health benefits of yoga techniques, precautions / contraindications are covered in these lectures and also in practical Yoga sessions.
Theory 4 Hours
Micro lessons 11 Hours (practical session of teaching the techniques with feedback)
Trial Lesson 4 hours per student (Yoga session conducted by student and feedback given by expert teachers)
Lesson Examination 1 hour per student
- Teaching Methodology includes practical training, micro teaching practice, Yoga lesson planning, demonstration, instructions, corrections and alignment, managing your Yoga class etc.
Home-work & Essay: As part of the program you will be required to complete home-work which will include practice of yoga techniques, reading certain yoga related texts and listening to videos or audios. Furthermore, you will be required to write a short essay related to different yoga subjects.
Examination: Practical (Yoga poses, pranayama and cleansing techniques) Assessment, 3 written assignments, final lesson exam /Yoga Teaching examination)