Positive Yoga Psychology Course 17Th - 26Th Feb 2020
We are what we think and believe. Our thoughts and convictions shape our identity. Positive and negative life experiences are deep rooted in the mind. So one should understand ones mind and channelize its force.
Science of Yoga is a holistic one focussing on positive psychology, it includes theory and practices of developing positive state of mind and positive, creative behavior or karma. The problems of human beings are in the conditionings of their mind accumulated in so many births. Yoga focuses on changing these old conditionings from their root so the negative state is changed to peaceful and content state of mind. This change can be experienced by anyone with regular practice.
This course focuses on Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Ashtanga Yoga), Bhagavad Gita & Upanishads. These texts focus on human life with a goal to achieve and to experience positive, balanced, content and peaceful state of mind which is not dependent on or influenced by external events or objects.
The focus is on evolving mind from negative state to permanent blissful state of "Samadhi"or "Sat Chit Ananda" through meditation.