Yoga Vidya Dham
Yoga Vidya Gurukul, India
Yogabhavan, College Road,
Nasik - 422005 Maharashtra, India.
Tel. : +91-253-2318090, 2317454
A new course has been introduced for those who want to learn, effective Yoga practices for treatment of various diseases. Yoga Vidya Dham has been successfully running the therapy center, the experience and knowledge gained by the teachers and experts is the base for this course.
The Yoga Vidya Gurukul (University or School) was formed in the year 1983 and university certified courses were also started. Varied courses in Yoga at different levels are conducted here ,like Yoga Bindu, Sopan, Pravesh, Praveen, Pandit, Yoga Shikshak, Adhyapak and Pradhyapak. These courses are conducted in the Govt. Training Centers also.
Yoga learners and followers can enhance their knowledge, their mental abilities and also increase their spiritual levels through these courses. Guidance is given to all males, females, teenagers and senior citizens/aged people and all those who are interested in Yoga.
The above-mentioned courses are regularly carried on in Nashik. Besides that a special course is conducted for the Yoga learners staying outside Nashik. The syllabus in this course is very helpful and informative. One who completes this course successfully can individually conduct classes for 'Yoga Pravesh'.
COURSE | Venue |
Phone - +91-9822770727
E-mail - or
Yoga Vidya Dham, Kaivalya Nagari,
College Road, Nashik - 422005.
Maharashtra, India.
Phone - +91-9822770727 (for courses in ENGLISH)
+91-253-2318090 (For courses, in HINDI or MARATHI)
(Please call during 9.00 AM to 5 PM Indian Time)
E-mail - or
Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik
Phone - +91-9822770727
E-mail - or
Vishwa Yoga Darshan is a perfect place for yoga and meditation. It is situated in the mountain range of Sahyadri, the ashram is surrounded by fascinating landscapes and natural beauties. It is an ideal location away from city and stressful modern life.
The new ashram is becoming more popular as it offers stress free Yoga Life style in natural environment. (Photos in Ashram)
This place is in the vicinity of Lord Trimbakeshwara, one of the 12 most important and aus, one of the 12 most important and auspicious Shiva Temples in India. Lord Shiva is the origin of Yoga Tradition; this makes the location of the ashram more significant. Millions of devotees visit the Shiva temple annually. Surrounding mountains are considered as the heaven for Yogis, to perform Yoga & Mediation practices. Contact
The store provides following services at cost