Yoga Vidya Gurukul was founded in 1978 by Yogacharya Dr Vishwas Mandlik as a non-profit organization. Our organization is following traditional yoga which is the authentic form of yoga focusing on life style and based on Ashtanga yoga, Hatha yoga, Karma yoga, Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga.
The prestigious Prime Ministers Yoga Award 2017 was given to our founder, Dr Vishwas Mandlik for his great contribution to the field of yoga in india and all over the world. He is the first recipient of this award in India.
We have been conducting Yoga teacher training programs since 1983. We have more than 18000 yoga teachers in India, 4500 yoga teachers in foreign countries and more than 300,000 yoga students all over the world.
This program is recognized by
12 weeks course starting 3rd June 2023
Learn how to chant Omkar and also the techniques to meditate on omkar through different practices.
Yoga Vidya Gurukul has been recognized by AYUSH (Yoga and Ayurveda) ministry, Government of India as the Leading Yoga Institution in India.
AUM is the cosmic sound. AUM is everywhere. AUM is in the rotation of the earth, all the other planets, stars. Everything in the cosmos is in motion and constantly producing a sound. That constant humming sound is AUM. The motion creates speed, the speed creates sound and energy. The universe is so huge that we are unable to perceive it. AUM sound is continuous in the universe but we are so tiny in the universe that we are unable to hear this sound. By chanting of AUM we are creating the sound of AUM and trying to create the vibration within our body.
Omkar, pronounced in its correct method, arouses and transforms every atom in the physical body, setting up new vibrations and conditions, and awakening the sleeping power of the body. The chanting of AUM drives away all worldly thoughts and removes distractions. It is very powerful. If you are depressed, chant AUM for 10 minutes, you will be filled with new vigour and strength. Chanting of AUM gives energy. Continuous practice of Omkar helps in improving the brain capacity and memory. Our capacity to grasp any knowledge increases. Our mind becomes more active and we are able to take decisions quickly. Our brain has 14000 centres. However we are only utilizing 208 centres or just 2% of the brain. The other 98% of the brain remains unused. Chanting of Omkar stimulates these sleeping brain centres. Just 5 minutes of Omkar chanting gives calmness and relaxation to our body and mind. As we inhale deeply while chanting AUM, we take more oxygen in, improving the capacity of lungs. Chanting of AUM improves confidence level and prepares us to face the adverse circumstances of life. AUM removes nervousness and fears from the mind. Chanting of Omkar before bed give sound sleep. The problems of Insomnia and fearful dreams are cured by AUM chanting.
Learn how to chant Omkar and also the techniques to meditate on omkar through different practices.
Youtube video of om chanting by Pournima Mandlik
COURSE | DATE | Venue |
Yoga Vidya Gurukul was founded in 1978 by Yogacharya Vishwas Mandlik and since then we are functioning as a non-profit organization. We are inspired and guided by our spiritual master Swami Satyananda of Bihar school of yoga. We are present in most of the states (Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Assam and Madhya Pradesh) in India with our Centers and branches. We have recognized centers to conduct Teacher Training Courses in Thailand and Singapore.
We have more than 15000 yoga teachers in India and approximately 2000 yoga teachers abroad, as well as more than 300,000 yoga students. We conduct various courses in yoga:
We teach different types of yoga such as Ashtanga yoga, hatha yoga, karma yoga, bhakti yoga, jnana yoga, tantras, yoga philosophy, asana, pranayama, cleansing and so on.
This Spiritual tradition was founded by Adi Shankaracharya (Yoga Master and Guru). This great tradition was introduced by Swami Sivananda in 19th and 20th century, Swami Satyananda is the disciple of Swami Sivananda. Swami Niranjananda is the successor of Swami Satyananda and is our inspiration and guru. We follow him and teach Indian Traditional Yoga, which is a synthesis of Ashtanga yoga, Hatha Yoga, Karma yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga and is based on ancient texts of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (ashtanga), Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gherand Samhita, Bhagvad Gita, Upnishadas, Vedas and Tantra.
Aims and objectives of Yoga Vidya Gurukul
COURSE | Venue |
Phone - +91-9822770727
E-mail - or
Yoga Vidya Dham, Kaivalya Nagari,
College Road, Nashik - 422005.
Maharashtra, India.
Phone - +91-9822770727 (for courses in ENGLISH)
+91-253-2318090 (For courses, in HINDI or MARATHI)
(Please call during 9.00 AM to 5 PM Indian Time)
E-mail - or
Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik
Phone - +91-9822770727
E-mail - or
Nasik is about 1800 Ft or 580 Metres above sea level.
Regular Trains, Bus Service and Taxi services are available to reach Nasik. We can also provide an airport pickup service directly to our ashram.
For information about the Teacher training course, you may contact our affiliated centres and ask about the feedback and other enquiries. Click here to contact.