Balances the body. Improves concentration. Strengthens the nervous system. Gives a gentle stretch to the hips and wrists. Muscles of the sides of the body are stretched and made flexible. Obesity of the thighs and hips can be reduced and these areas stretched. Hamstrings, inner thigh and abdominal muscles are stretched and relaxed, increasing their health and efficiency. Helps for development of the pelvis.
Lower back pain.
In supine position, turn your body onto the left side. Raise your trunk slightly and support the left side of the head with the left hand, elbow on the floor. Place the right hand on the floor, by your chest. Lift and bend the right leg, placing the right foot on the left thigh. Hold the big toe of the right foot with the right hand.
To release the asana, let go of the toe, place the legs back together and the right hand in front of the chest. Lower the trunk back to the ground. Turn back to the supine position. Now practise on the other side.
Lower back, neck.
On keeping the balance.
Find a point of focus.
Let the body fall forward or backwards.
This posture should be avoided in case of slipped disc or cervical spondylitis. In cases of sciatica, guidance of an expert is a must.
If it is difficult to hold the toe then the hand can remain on the ground in front of the chest.
Advanced version of Anantasan where the leg is straightened.
COURSE | Venue |
Phone - +91-9822770727
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Yoga Vidya Dham, Kaivalya Nagari,
College Road, Nashik - 422005.
Maharashtra, India.
Phone - +91-9822770727 (for courses in ENGLISH)
+91-253-2318090 (For courses, in HINDI or MARATHI)
(Please call during 9.00 AM to 5 PM Indian Time)
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Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik
Phone - +91-9822770727
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