
Yoga Practices - Positions, Postures, Asana (The Best Practice to Perfect Health)

Asana name: Crocodile Pose

Sanskrit name: Makarasan

Meaning: Crocodile Pose

General Benefits:

Relaxation of entire nervous system, body and mind. Gives extra relaxation to the back region. Relieves stress on the body and mind. Removes disturbing thoughts and tensions. Relaxes the muscles which lead to a decrease in the demand for blood and oxygen, giving the circulatory and respiratory systems a break. Beneficial for all stress related ailments. Relieves stress and fatigue. Decreases blood pressure.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Benefits for Women:

Therapeutic Applications:

All stress related diseases. Fatigue. High blood pressure. Heart complaints. Stress. Anxiety. Insomnia

Taking the Position:

In prone position fold the arms in front of the head and place the head either on the arms or the floor, turning the head to the side if it is comfortable. Spread the legs apart so the heels touch the corners of your yoga mat, with the toes pointing outwards, heels in. Breathe normally while you maintain the asana.

Releasing the Positions:

To realese the asana, bring the legs together. Return the arms to the sides of the body and the chin on the mat. Stay relaxed and breathe normally.

Anatomical Focus:

On every body part, particularly any stressed parts such as the lower back.

Anatomical Awareness:

Focus on entire spine


Keep the mind focused on relaxing. If thoughts come do not stress about them but let them pass. Keep the spine in a straight line. Avoid moving the body parts as even the slightest movement will use many muscles and increase the nerve impulses. Keep the eyes closed.


Go to sleep, let the mind wander or move the body.

Precautions & Contraindications:

Avoid going to sleep.

Variations & Tips:

Preparatory Poses:

Makarasana is generally practiced after the practice of asanas from the prone position as it is itself an asana from the prone position. Therefore it is easier to come into if one is already in the prone position.

Follow-up Poses:

None are necessary.



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Contact Details

Yoga Vidya Gurukul

Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik

Phone - +91-9822770727

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Yoga Vidya Gurukul

Address of Institute office in Nasik

Yoga Vidya Dham, Kaivalya Nagari,
College Road, Nashik - 422005.
Maharashtra, India.

Phone - +91-9822770727 (for courses in ENGLISH)

+91-253-2318090 (For courses, in HINDI or MARATHI)

(Please call during 9.00 AM to 5 PM Indian Time)

E-mail - or


Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik

Phone - +91-9822770727

E-mail - or

  • Yogapoint Australia
    48 Russell Ave, Faulconbridge,
    NSW 2776, Australia
    +61 2 475 12 193
    +61 451 314 385
  • Yoga Sanskar
    Zenkova-33, Almaty,
    Republic of Kazakhstan
    +7 7075 435 329
  • Yogajoya
    Via Montegrappa 87,
    32100 Belluno, Itlay
    +39 3490883605
  • Raja Yoga Madrid
    Calle Eduardo Costa 21,
    Local 7, C.C. El Bulevar, Torrelodones,
    Madrid. C.P. 28250
    Telephone - +34 657 645 589
  • Flat D, 2/F, 419 Castle Peak Road,
    Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
    +852 9344 8589
Yoga Point