The abdominal muscles are tensed and the internal organs are compressed which increases the blood circulation and stimulates the nerves, increasing the efficiency of the internal organs. The pressure on the abdomen releases any trapped gases in the large intestine. Blood circulation is increased to all the internal organs. Digestive system is improved. Relieves constipation. Strengthens the lower back muscles and loosens the spinal vertebrae. Massages the pelvic muscles and reproductive organs, sterility and impotence.
Beneficial for menstrual disorders.
Flatulence. Constipation. Menstrual disorders. Sterility. Impotence.
In supine position, exhale and while inhaling bend both knees and place your feet near the buttocks. While exhaling bring your thighs to the chest. Encircle your arms around the legs and press the knees to the abdomen.
Inhale and while exhaling release the arms and bring them to the sides of the body. Bring the feet back down to the ground, near the buttocks. Let the feet slide gently back down to the ground, straightening the legs. Relax your body.
Abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks.
On relaxing the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks. Normal breath.
Relax the body and breathe normally in the pose.
Overstretch, trying to pull the thighs too close and causing strain.
Must be avoided if there is recent abdominal surgery as there is a lot of pressure on the abdomen. Anyone suffering from hernia or piles should avoid this asana. Pregnant women should not practice this asana.
Ardha Pawanmuktasana with the head on the floor.
Pawanmuktasana with the raised head.
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Phone - +91-9822770727
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Yoga Vidya Dham, Kaivalya Nagari,
College Road, Nashik - 422005.
Maharashtra, India.
Phone - +91-9822770727 (for courses in ENGLISH)
+91-253-2318090 (For courses, in HINDI or MARATHI)
(Please call during 9.00 AM to 5 PM Indian Time)
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Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik
Phone - +91-9822770727
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