As per Vajrasana and Matsyasana, stretches the knees and abdomen. Good for leg muscles and abdominal organs. The dorsal region is fully extended, lungs are well expanded, neck muscles strengthened. Thyroid and parathyroid are stimulated. Digestive ailments and constipation. Spinal nerves are toned. Asthma and bronchitis. Redirects sexual energy to the brain for spiritual purposes. Legs are loosened for meditative asanas. Intelligence and creativity are enhanced.
Hypo Thyroids, Reproductive problems, Weak digestion
In sitting position, bend your left leg and bring the foot to the left buttock. Bend your right leg and place the right foot next to the left foot. Shift the weight forward onto the toes. Bring your knees to the ground, toes together, heels apart and sit between your heels. Inhale and while exhaling lean back slowly, take the support of the elbows one after another and place the top of the head on the ground. Keep the hands on respective thighs. Relax in the asana, breathe normally.
In sitting position, bend your left leg and bring the foot to the left buttock. Bend your right leg and place the right foot next to the left foot. Shift the weight forward onto the toes. Bring your knees to the ground, toes together, heels apart and sit between your heels. Stand on the knees and keep the knees and feet hip-width apart. Slowly lean backward and place the right hand on the right heel and then left hand on left heel. Push the abdomen forward. Keep the thighs vertical and release the head and spine backward. The weight of the body should be evenly supported by the legs and arms. If possible place the palms on the soles of the feet. Relax in the asana, breathe normally.
To release the asana, bring your hands to the ground and support your upper body with your elbows. Slowly release the head from the ground, straighten the neck and raise your body up from the hips. Raise your knees and shift your weight onto your toes. Straighten the left leg. Straighten the right leg and lower the buttocks to the ground returning to sitting position.
Abdomen, lower back, knees, chest.
On lower abdomen, chest, throat.
As per Vajrasana and Matsyasana, this asana gives more strain to the knees.
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College Road, Nashik - 422005.
Maharashtra, India.
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(Please call during 9.00 AM to 5 PM Indian Time)
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Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik
Phone - +91-9822770727
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