There is no contraindication.
Normal Food with Less Fats & Carbohydrates but with High Fibres. Best food is Fruits (except banana, mango & grapes ) & Vegetables.
Non-veg Food, Milk & Milk Products (Skimmed milk can be taken), Rice, Oily & Spicy Food, Refined Foods, Fast Food, Preserved Food.
No. |
Asana / Yoga Technique | Duration in Minutes |
1 |
Sun salutations - 12 | 10 |
2 |
Shavasana (corpse pose) | 2 |
3 |
Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) | 1 |
4 |
Shalabhasana (Locust pose) | 1 |
5 |
Dhanurasana (Bow pose) | 1 |
6 |
Makarasana | 2 |
7 |
Pavanmuktasana (half & Full ) | 2 |
8 |
Uttanpad Chakrasana | 3 |
9 |
Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) 3 rounds | 3 |
10 |
Halasana (Plough pose) | 1 |
11 |
Matsyasana | 2 |
12 |
Shavasana (Corpse pose) | 2 |
13 |
Paschimottanasana (half forward bend) & Paschimottanasana (full forward bend) | 2 |
14 |
Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half spinal twist) both sides | 5 |
15 |
Akarna Dhanuarasana Type I & Akarna Dhanuarasana Type II | 3 |
16 |
Ushtrasana | 2 |
17 |
Udarsanchalana | 2 |
18 |
Shavasana (Corpse pose) | 2 |
19 |
Trikonasana (Triangle pose) from both sides | 3 |
20 |
Veerasana (Warrior pose) from both sides | 3 |
21 |
Shavasana (Corpse pose) | 2 |
22 |
Agnisar (Stimulating Fire technique) | 5 |
23 |
Uddiyan Bandha (Abdominal lock) 5 rounds | 5 |
24 |
Shavasana(Corpse pose) | 2 |
25 |
Kapalbhati (Forceful exhalations) | 5 |
26 |
Surya bhedan Pranayama with Kumbhak | 12 |
27 |
Prayer | 7 |
Total Time |
90 |
Vaman (Vomiting) | ( Twice a week ) |
Laghu Shankha Prakshalana | ( Twice a week ) |
Shankha prakshalana | ( Once in 6 months ) |
Asanas: Basic movements to be practiced for about two weeks. Asanas in Yoga Sopan book continued for about two more weeks
Pranayama: Deep breathing with both nostrills Right Nostrill deep breathing
Yoga Nidra: Once, Twice or Thrice a day depending on the severity of the disease
This primary practices will reduce the symptoms then the same practices for Digestative Disorders will have to be followed but with the slowl speed.
Take very light food during this period.
Suitable: Normal food with less fats & carbohydrates but with high fibres. Best food is fruits & vegetables
Avoid: Nonveg food, Milk & milk products Oily & Spicy food, refined foods, Fast Food, Preserved Food.
Proper diagnosis is essential and the medicines are to be administered. The major cause for these problems is the Stress which can be managed with the help of Yoga Nidra & Omkar chanting. So Yoga therapy will work as supporting to the medecines.
After the improvement in the codition regular Yoga Practices can be introduced slowly ("From easy to difficult")
By Guruji (Rushi Dharmajyoti)
COURSE | Venue |
Phone - +91-9822770727
E-mail - or
Yoga Vidya Dham, Kaivalya Nagari,
College Road, Nashik - 422005.
Maharashtra, India.
Phone - +91-9822770727 (for courses in ENGLISH)
+91-253-2318090 (For courses, in HINDI or MARATHI)
(Please call during 9.00 AM to 5 PM Indian Time)
E-mail - or
Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik
Phone - +91-9822770727
E-mail - or