The reproductive system in the human body is a very complicated system. We know that conception takes place when sperm from th e male body come in contact with the ovum in the female body. The male part is merely producing sperms and depositing them inside the female body. After the p oint of conception it is the female that has to protect and nourish the fetus with her own body. To do this excretion of various hormones help her body to performing all th e necessary functions. These are all very complex procedures, which can lead to a nu mber of defects. For our purposes we will go through only some of the major and more common defects. Before that we shall study the events occurring in the female body .
The uterus is the chief organ of the female reprodu ctive system and is the location where the fetus is nourished and developed . Once the growth of the fetus is complete it passes through the vagina to enter the external environment. The ovaries that generate ovum are situated on both sides of th e uterus. The ovum in the ovaries enters the uterus through the fallopian tubes. If i t comes in contact with the sperm during this journey towards the uterus, conception takes place and it is carried to the uterus through these tubes. It starts growing in th e uterus.
The ovum comes from the ovaries into the uterus thr ough the fallopian tubes. If it does not come in contact with the sperm when in the uterus it does not fertilize. Meanwhile, the uterus makes preparations for pregna ncy. When there is no conception this is all in vain as pregnancy is not going to take place. Hence the unfertilized ovum, the fluids produced for the sake of preparation of pregnancy and a certain amount of blood is disposed through the vag ina. This disposal takes place for about three to seven days and is termed as menstrua tion. The menstrual cycle is generally 28 days, beginning on the first day these fluids start discharging. The discharge takes place for roughly three days and st ops on the fourth day. The ovum enters the fallopian tubes in mid cycle (approximat ely on the fourteenth day) and later comes into the uterus. The menstrual flow starts ag ain after 28 days.
The onset of this menstruation cycle (menarche) in girls is generally at the age of 14. It continues up roughly to the age of forty- five and then it is concluded (menopause). Two to four years more or less may be counted in this duration of years due to individual differences. Regularity in this c ycle is a sign of good health. With 130 pregnancy the cycle is halted during the months of pregnancy and a further three to four months after delivery of the child.
The cycle gets disturbed due to intake of hormones. It may also get disturbed because of significant changes in life or due to ph ysical and/or emotional stress. There may be other temporary causes that can cause the cy cle to become irregular for a period of time but it usually returns to normal whe n the stressor or temporary cause has been eliminated. If the menstrual cycle is irre gular despite of any peculiar cause, it is a defect and if it continues it has to be treate d. There can be a serious illness or disease (i.e. Cancer), which could cause the cycle to stop and in this case would have to be treated with priority. Although the general p eriod of menstrual cycle constitutes 28 days, individuals may vary from 26-36 days. This deviation of period is not a defect. Furthermore, if the cycle is irregular but no physical defect is detected, and if her state of mind is fine, then there is no need to worry. She can be taught the yoga courses- Yoga Sanjeevan, Yoga Sopan, Yoga Pravesh, Yoga Parichay, Yoga Praveen and her cycle may come to normal with regular pract ice of Yoga.
Many women experience trouble with excess bleeding during the first three days of their period. For some bleeding continues up to 10-15 days. This reduces the blood and hemoglobin quantity in the body, resultin g in weakness. Some other troubles related to menses are pain in lower abdome n and the waist. These women may find it necessary to take rest to alleviate the se symptoms. It has been observed that these troubles are seen mostly in young girls and usually end after the delivery of the first child.
In some females the intensity of pain may be less b ut they experience an increase in mental stress and other symptoms before menstruation. Example of such are; swelling in the breasts, bloating in the abdom en and water retention usually due to reduced passage of urine. As a result there is t emporary increase in their weight. All these troubles start six to seven days before m enstrual discharge. Once menstruation begins the symptoms are reduced and wi ll end with the menstrual discharge.
Without being able to identify the exact cause behi nd these troubles, what is certain is that they occur when there is a decrease in the hormones progesterone and estrogen. These troubles are also related to mental stress and have been seen to lessen when stress levels are reduced. In these cases, hor mone tablets or pain-relievers are often prescribed, which will provide temporary reli ef of the symptoms. Moreover they carry their own side effects, which can be more pro blematic than the original troubles.
As a substitute to conventional medicine we can tre at these troubles permanently with regular practice of Yoga. Yoga hel ps in maintaining balance in the level of hormones; it reduces the mental stress and also changes the individual attitude towards the menstrual cycle. Menstrual related prob lems will be resolved if the woman carries the viewpoint that menstrual cycle is a boon for spiritual development and not a curse.
The bleeding in the menstrual cycle is actually a k ind of cleansing process, thus purifying the female body. A number of hormone s are produced in the body at this time and it has also been found that the menta l ability of a woman enhances during this period. The period three days before th e beginning of menses, four days of menses and five days after the menses is very usefu l and beneficial for concentration, 131 contemplation and Japa (constant thought). The sens e organs of the women are very efficient during this period and it would be wise t o take advantage of it.
The idea that an onset of troubles will occur with the beginning of menstruation creates tension in the minds of female s essentially inviting the problem. Regular practice of yoga prevents the emergence of these stresses and strains and alters the point of view of the females towards the ir menstrual cycle. This new perception of menses as a boon to them rather than a curse will be of great benefit.
The troubles at the time of menses occur due to lac k of hormones. These are injected or taken in form of tablets. They yield te mporary results and hence have to be taken frequently, which may develop a habit and may also create side effects. Sometimes the uterus is eliminated to avoid complic ations from excess bleeding. The menstrual troubles will no longer exist however the woman may end up with other troubles like waist pain etc. Hence if yoga is prac ticed before such a procedure, it is possible that the surgery can be avoided.
The following processes are very useful for the tro ubles discussed above. However, during while bleeding is going on, it is s uggested that the woman should avoid practicing many asanas but rather concentrate on Pranayama, Yoga Nidra and shavasana. Expert advice is necessary if the woman is suffering from some other diseases as well.
Sun Salutation is a comprehensive exercise but pe rforming it as a part of treatment, it must be performed like asanas- slo wly and with supportive breathing techniques. As Sun Salutations are inclusive of asa nas, Pranayama and mantras regarding the Sun, they help in regaining the inter nal balance of the body. The number of Sun Salutation must be decided as per personal c apacity.
the Yoga Sanjeevan course is useful for the newco mers. Besides, asanas like Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Sarva ngasana, Halasana, Matsyasana, Chakrasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Pashc himottanasana, Sheershasana, Ushtrasana, Vajrasana, Supta Vajrasana and Shashank asana are useful.
Ashwini Mudra performed in Vipareet Karani or Sar vangasana is extremely useful. The trio of mudras- Mahamudra, Mahabandha and Mahavedha are also useful. The Uddiyan Bandha and Mool Bandha directly affect the defected organs positively.
Naadishuddhi, Ujjayi and Bhraamari Pranayama are most useful for these problems. Initially, Pranayama should be prac ticed without breath retention. After practice of Bandhas, Pranayama may be practic ed along with the trio of Bandhas and breath retention. Some patients may ben efit from Bhastrika Pranayama as well.
Vaman and Laghu Shankha Prakshalana may be perfor med alternately. Agnisar and Kapalbhati are useful to i mprove functioning of organs in the abdominal cavity.
It is useful as in all diseases. The resolution, “I am going to get rid of my troubles,” will help increasing the patient’s menta l strength and decrease their troubles. Shavasana will also prove helpful for ext ra relaxation.
Drink decoction of Anantmool (root of Hemidesmus i ndicus (Indian Sarsaparilla)) powder made and stored in a thermos flask thrice a day.
Drink half cup of Gomutra (cow urine) when empty s tomach.
Make pills from the paste of tender Rui (cotton) l eaves and black pepper and take one pill at a time thrice- morning, noon and evenin g.
Boil pieces of dry fig in milk and eat them and dr ink the milk every morning.
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Maharashtra, India.
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(Please call during 9.00 AM to 5 PM Indian Time)
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Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik
Phone - +91-9822770727
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