Varicose Veins

This disease is generally found in those who stand all day, usually for occupational purposes. The veins appear enlarged an d blue in colour and there is pain in the legs. Varicose veins occur due to an adverse effect on the blood supply to the legs caused by constant standing. There is no medic ation available for this disease. Though surgery is sometimes performed on severe cas es, it does not cure the condition completely. However, varicose veins can b e prevented with proper precautions and even cured in the initial stages.

Oxygenated blood from the heart is carried to all p arts of the body, while impure blood is gathered from the various parts and taken to the heart. Then, it is carried to the lungs where it is purified and suppl ied again to the parts of the body. When oxygenated blood moves from the heart, the hea rt muscles enact positive pressure on it so that it can be carried all over t he body. Sometimes, this pressure reduces and the blood is not driven forward. The pr essure in the right compartment of the heart goes into negation to solve this situatio n, and the impure blood is drawn towards the heart. Special effort has to be taken t o carry impure blood from the legs to the heart. This is because the legs are at the fart hest distance from the heart, and the blood has to travel opposite to the gravitational f orce. Nature has developed a system especially for the purpose.

We know that the blood vessels that carry impure bl ood to the heart are called veins. There are one-way valves in these veins whic h open in the direction of the heart. Due to these valves, blood that comes from t he legs to the heart cannot flow backwards. The muscles of the legs assist by forcin g blood in the upward direction. So, veins get pressed due to the contraction of the se muscles and the blood travels upward due to the valve. The thigh and calf muscles have to expand and contract constantly for this purpose, which happens in the m ovement of the legs while walking.

The veins travel upward in two ways; some are super ficially situated underneath the skin, whereas some are deeper in the muscles. Both types of veins are joined to each other at some points. Here, there ar e one-sided valves so that blood that has passed into the deeper veins does not return to the superficial veins. This system operates very well in people whose routine consists of sufficient movements. However, in those unused to physical exercise, bloo d does not travel upward to the heart as it should. It remains in the veins and exe rts weight on the valves instead, causing varicose veins.

Those who work constantly in a standing position ar e at risk from this disease. Being in the standing position constantly limits th e upward flow of impure blood, meaning that the blood storage in the veins gradual ly increases. In this situation, there would be insufficient muscular movements in the leg s, exerting extra pressure on the valves and making them weak. As a result, the blood would run backward instead of traveling in the direction of the heart. As well as affecting blood circulation, the blood vessels would lose their elasticity. Accordingly, t here would be pain in the legs; they would start to feel heavy, and walking would become difficult.

Sometimes, thrombosis occurs in the deeper blood ve ssels. Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot in the deeper vessels whi ch blocks the passage of blood from these veins. Therefore, all blood will be carr ied out by the superficial veins, affecting the elasticity of these veins and that of their valves. This increases the intensity of the disease.

Similar trouble can be caused by the pressing of th e veins in the stomach, generally found in pregnant women. The growing size of the fetus in the womb develops pressure on the blood vessels of the stoma ch. This prevents blood flow in the upward direction, thus exerting pressure on the veins of the legs and the valves. But the pressure decreases and blood circulation re turns to normal after pregnancy.

There are no medicines for this trouble, but if it intensifies, the superficial veins can be operated on and removed, allowing the flow of impure blood through the deeper veins only. This reduces pain in the legs, b ut the original disease remains and gradually trouble moves to the remaining veins, whi ch then have then to be operated on as well.

This trouble does not occur suddenly and should be sensed and treated in the early stages. There is plenty of time from the emer gence of the disease to the time when surgery is the only option for the patient. Po ssible treatments include certain asanas and massage.

Yogic Therapy

This disease occurs due to the lack of movement of the legs and standing in one position for a long time. Hence, any asana whic h takes the legs upside down is beneficial in freeing the patient from this trouble . Asanas in which the muscles of the legs and thighs are strained are also useful.

The leg movement exercises and chin movement exerci ses may be easily performed and are beneficial. Pavanmuktasana and Ut tanpadasana are useful for creating strain in the veins of the legs, helping t he flow of blood towards the heart. After practicing these, Vipareet Karani, Sarvangasa na and Sheershasana, are to be practiced to create flow towards the heart and redu ce the pressure on the valves. Dhanurasana, Shalabhasana, Vajrasana, Ardha Matsyen drasana, Aakarna Dhanurasana and Pashchimottanasana are useful in im proving the muscular efficiency of the legs. Tadasana, Veerasana and Trikonasana he lp in improving the elasticity of the leg muscle, which in turn improves the elastici ty of the veins. If the patient does not suffer from any other disease, scientific pract ice of Sun Salutations will aid the patient in curing himself. Regular and persistent p ractice of these asanas is necessary so that the condition of the patient improves gradu ally until he is liberated from the disease.

Shavasana with legs placed on a chair

Lie in Shavasana on a mattress on the floor. Put bo th legs over a chair and use a pillow for comfort. Stay in this position for 10- 15 minutes. Perform action two or three times per day.

Avoid standing in one position for long

Varicose veins occur due to constantly standing in one place. So, this habit must be changed. One must walk after some time of s tanding. At the very least one can perform marching on the spot. Exercise the thig h and calf muscles frequently to avoid the adverse effects of standing. Practice sit ting crossed legged on the floor instead of using a chair.


Massaging the legs

Massage both legs using sesame or coconut oil. Star t from the bottom of the legs and move up. The blood in the legs must be hel ped towards the heart, so it is important that massage is done in this direction on ly. Perform this massage for 10-15 126 minutes two to three times a day.

Varicose veins may take a severe form that there is no way to treat. But this does not happen suddenly; hence, treatment taken in the initial stages may control it before the disease gets underway. If treatment is s ought in good time, the disease may be completely eliminated from the body.


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