Yoga for Knee Problems

There are many movements that can be done to help strengthen and stabilize the knees, as well as improving flexibility. All of these movements should be practiced with awareness of the knees. Some of these movements have been covered in other chapters. The y include -

  • Knee Movement Type 1
  • Knee Movement Type 2
  • Knee Movement Type 3
  • Ardha Chakrasan –
    • ype A – feet on floor
    • Type B – one leg raised
    • Type C – one leg raised and other heel raised
  • Ardha Pawanmuktasan and Poorna Pawanmuktasan
  • Foot stretching - feet together 10 x each way
  • Foot stretching – alternate forward and back 10 x each way
  • Ankles together and rotate – clockwise and anticlockwise 10 x each way
  • Knee contraction
  • Leg movement type 1 in sitting position - one leg, two legs
  • Knee rotation in sitting 10 x clockwise, 10 x anticlockwise’
  • Tadasan 10 x
  • Kati chakrasan 10 x
  • Mrudunga Bandha as a movement (straightening legs then bending the knees)

The remaining movements include -

Titaliasan as a Movement

From titaliasan hold the feet or ankles and move the feet as far away as possible and then back 10 x. It can be easier to do this off the mat.

Paschimottanasan Variation 1 & 2

From sitting position bend forward from the hips, cross the arms over and hold the shins. Hold the left shin with the right hand , right shin with the left hand. Press the hands against the feet and at the same time press the feet outwards. Practice 10 x

From sitting position bend forward from the hips, cross the arms over and hold the feet. Hold the left foot with the right hand, right foot with the left hand. Press the hands against the feet and at the same time press the feet outwards. Practice 10 x

Ballerina Walking

From standing position raise the heels and come onto the toes. Walk forwards ten steps and back ten steps, stayi ng on the toes. Continue 5 x

Newspaper Scrunching

Place a piece of newspaper on the ground and stand on it. Scrunch the newspaper by clenching the toes, trying to pick it up with the feet. Continue for up to one minute.


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Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik

Phone - +91-9822770727

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    NSW 2776, Australia
    +61 2 475 12 193
    +61 451 314 385
  • Yoga Sanskar
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    +7 7075 435 329
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    32100 Belluno, Itlay
    +39 3490883605
  • Raja Yoga Madrid
    Calle Eduardo Costa 21,
    Local 7, C.C. El Bulevar, Torrelodones,
    Madrid. C.P. 28250
    Telephone - +34 657 645 589
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